Channel Update: Gospel Channel
Sadly it’s looking unlikely that Gospel Channel will return to the UK for the foreseeable future. See the channels page for full details on frequencies etc
Sadly it’s looking unlikely that Gospel Channel will return to the UK for the foreseeable future. See the channels page for full details on frequencies etc
Create and Craft and Ideal World are now only broadcasting in HD
Home TV has a new frequency. Fascination TV & Travel +1 are no longer broadcasting. These have been removed from our channel list. Updates are available to upgrade your box.
Channel 210 S4C HD has a new frequency. 7
Freesports HD, Quest HD and France 24 HD all have a new symbol rate. Magic Tv has a new frequency.
Loveworld is only available in HD. Upgrade files are ready for you to update your box. Unfortunately this means that Loveworld TV is no longer available to our customers on the TM5200. If you are missing this channel and would … Continued
CNN have a new frequency. Updated files are available by calling the office. Unlimited updates are free to our support customers. Interested call 01260 633644. FreeSports commenced broadcasting in HD in July and now they are only available to view … Continued
We have removed Showcase as it was showing some unsuitable content. We will continue to monitor this channel. FreeSports HD has been added to our list at channel 214. PBS America has a new frequency. Update Files available, call the … Continued
We have added 2 new channels to our files. Dunamis TV at number 14 and Good news Tv at number 15.
Retro TV Channel 58 has a new frequency. Update files available now. I have removed Grace TV as it hasn’t broadcast for over a week.