Iotronic 7298
These instructions are to help you with your box, and have been hurriedly put together from earlier documents in view of some major changes on Christian TV Channels
We cannot guarantee they are correct and take no responsibility for any loss or problem. Do not use these instructions if you are unsure. We offer a retune service for those who are not technically minded.
Adding, deleting and moving channels.
To add channels:
1) Press Menu on your receiver controller.
2) Arrow down to SYSTEM SETUP( has dish symbol) and press OK.
3) Arrow down to TRANSPONDER SETUP and press OK.
4) Press OK on ADD.
5) Check the satellite name says ASTRA 2A then arrow down to FREQUENCY and enter your 5 digit code.
6) Arrow down to S/R and enter your symbolrate.
7) Arrow down to POL. And enter your polarisation. V for Vertical or arrow right to H for Horizontal.
8) Check the NETWORK SEARCH says NO.
9) If all is entered and OK then press OK.
10) The receiver will now search for all channels on that transponder. When finished EXIT out.
To Delete channels:
1) Press Menu and arrow down to BOX SETUP.
2) Press OK and OK again on CHANNEL SETUP.
3) Arrow down to Delete then arrow left.
4) Arrow to the channel you wish to delete and press OK on it ( a cross will appear on the DEL box next to the program)
5) Do the same on all of the channels you want to delete.
To Move channels:
Unless you have deleted channels and just wish to move at the same time follow parts 1 and 2 of deleting channels.
1) Arrow across right and down once to MOVE….
2) Arrow left again and using your arrows go to the channel you want to move, press OK on it and select your preferred spot, press OK to drop the channel.
Do the same for all channels you want to move, then press EXIT.